Ali, an energetic high school sophomore unexpectedly finds herself the target of unwanted sexual attention. Rumors regarding her sexual activity begin to escalate and are worsened by derogatory graffiti found in the boy’s bathroom. As the problem intensifies, the young student tries different approaches to diffuse the issue, but the problem continues to spiral out of control. Finally, with no other resolution in sight, Ali finds she must take drastic action in order for her life to return to normal. Based on a true story, BOYS WILL BE BOYS focuses on the negative effect that disrespectful, demeaning, and intimidating behavior can have upon another individual. Produced and Co-Written by David J. Eagle for Little Eagle Productions, Inc., and ABC. HUMANITAS PRIZE nominee.
Starring: Ami Dolenz, Joan Van Ark, Lindsey Price and Richard Karn
Subject Areas: Sexual Harassment, Students Rights, Guidance, Contemporary Issues
Length: 45 minutes
Age Appropriateness: 14 years old and above
Price: $49.95 plus shipping for VHS or DVD. Click here to ORDER
Based on the best selling book of the same name, 50 simple solutions that can help save the Earth’s natural resources – water, wildlife, greenlife, energy and air – are acted out on locations throughout the U.S. Celebrity guests outline these solutions and show what students from around the country are accomplishing to help save the Earth. Young people, ranging in age from preschool to high school, show how they are involved in recycling, tree planting, cleaning up ocean, air and water pollution, wildlife and energy preservation, car-pooling, Styrofoam-banning and saving rain forests. Produced, Directed & Written by David J. Eagle for David Eagle Productions, Inc., and CBS. Multi Award winner.
Starring: Sara Gilbert, Brian Green, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, The Muppets.
Subject Areas: Environmental Studies, Ecology, Science, Community Service
Length: 45 minutes
Age Appropriateness: 8 years old and above
Price: $49.95 plus shipping for VHS or DVD. Click here to ORDER